
Thursday, May 8, 2008

Take It Easy!

We all heard the often repeated phrase: "Take It Easy". We were advised on many occasions not to take things too seriously. It helped us indeed in reducing the stress and coping with pressures. However, when we stretch the logic, we end up taking up ourselves also very easy. Like many, I too did not take myself too seriously. I thought that’s the best way to live life - Take it easy!

On a few occasions, however, when some things happened and I pondered over them, I dared to listen to the buzz, the humming from within….it suddenly provided a deeper insight. It opened up new perspective. My inner self became a teacher to myself and thus born ME-AS-MY-TEACHER!

This blog is intended to share the personal insights and perspectives emerging of my reflections on some of the daily experiences. It is an attempt to take an uncommon look at common happenings!

I don’t intend to preach anyone through this blog. I have a feeling that when my inner feelings are shared with the world around me, it widens the perspective further, and provides greater depth! It will be a vehicle for my personal growth - to become a better human being and a better professional. If it advertently inspires some more people to shed the philosophy of Take It Easy and if more people introspect…it will be a bonus!

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