I wrote about TAKE IT EASY policy in my earlier blog. Another dimension of TAKE IT EASY policy manifests itself as living in the present moment and not caring about things around us. Anything serious - personal values, relationships, long term goals, societal consciousness etc will not gel well with TAKE IT EASY policy. They are serious stuff, requires too much of thinking, and when we attempt to dialogue on it the atmosphere can become too heavy. Therefore, we quickly resort to TAKE IT EASY policy - don’t worry about all heavy stuff, instead enjoy the moment - however momentary it is!
We come across many with such light-hearted thinking. Can I continue to be one among them? Why not? What is my hesitation? Why can't I be like many? Are there any implications of the same if many adopt the same line of thinking?
There are plenty of authors who propagate "LIVING IN THE PRESENT" paradigm. When understood clearly it has lot of meaning. When we focus on the present, we focus on action and not so much the result (or benefit); we don’t unnecessarily worry about future; we value what we have at present; and so on.
When we stretch the logic of LIVING IN THE PRESENT, we over simply the same and make it equivalent of taking it easy. We don’t worry about world, we don’t worry about neighbor, we don’t care about society, we are not concerned about next generation. How does it matter if future is bleak - so long as I have what I want at present?
It is this style of convenient interpretation which creates the problem. We do not try to comprehend the complete meaning and context of aspects like living in the present, taking things easy etc.
How to feel light (take things easy) for oneself and live the present moment while remaining responsible towards the world around me? Am I asking for too much?
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