I felt sad...very sad when I first received the message....he is no more!
I was thinking of him and his life....felt heavy in my heart!
Turned philosophical internally...every life has to end!
Next day, I was on my way and it was providential that I faced the final procession of the person who left his physical body the previous day!
Once again, memories engulfed me...
But this time, I was not feeling sorrowful... I was thinking of the thousands of lives that were brought to life because of his life!
It is an irony that a person who founded a global pharma company succumbed to cancer...but not before making a difference to thousands of lives...he will forever remain as a moving force behind several people that he touched through his life time.....he was (I hate using this past tense!) Dr K. Anji Reddy!
The below lines crossed deep in my heart...
"Don't worry about death, there is nothing you can do about it. Worry about life, to light many more lives"
I was thinking of him and his life....felt heavy in my heart!
Turned philosophical internally...every life has to end!

Once again, memories engulfed me...
But this time, I was not feeling sorrowful... I was thinking of the thousands of lives that were brought to life because of his life!
- He built a company that grew to become a $2bn plus company...
- He supported a foundation that provided livelihood to street children...
- He developed a team that brought in collaborations to feed and educate the poor....
- He inspired a team of medical doctors to come up with world-class medical facilities for new born infants...
- He engaged teams of researchers in their pursuit of a life long research to come up with new molecules...
It is an irony that a person who founded a global pharma company succumbed to cancer...but not before making a difference to thousands of lives...he will forever remain as a moving force behind several people that he touched through his life time.....he was (I hate using this past tense!) Dr K. Anji Reddy!
The below lines crossed deep in my heart...
"Don't worry about death, there is nothing you can do about it. Worry about life, to light many more lives"
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